California Coast Road Trip!

In the planning of this trip to California, we have enjoyed studying the maps and guidebooks, because not only were we going to LA, – we were planning a road trip up the coast all the way to San Francisco! This was Saba’s (Grandpa’s) idea, and we are all very thankful to him!

Our car/bus parked outside our house in LA. Notice the impressive Palm Trees!

Our car/bus parked outside our house in LA. Notice the impressive Palm Trees!

The choosing of a car was also part of the planning. Six people, at least six suitcases… it would not fit in any regular size car or van. Savta (Grandma) insisted on us doing the trip in one car, – because we are doing it together, aren’t we?

So… this is what we ended up with:

road trip

Yes, it is a 15 (!) seater bus! We had some good laughs over that one!

Off we went. We chose the coastal road and enjoyed views like these along the way:

California Coast

Isn’t it just BEAUTIFUL? Or how about this, further up the coast?

California Coast

It was interesting to note the changes along the coast. The trees, the cliffs, the temperatures, everything!

California Coast

God’s Creation is just amazing, isn’t it??

California Coast

And it was so much fun to do the trip together as a family.

FamilyThree generations even.

Three generations

We made memories that will last a lifetime!

Becca and Saba

We stopped in Morro Bay and looked at the rock. We enjoyed a nice meal (FRESH fish for those of us who enjoy that!) with this view:

Morro Bay

We stayed overnight in Monterey. And in the morning, my love and I enjoyed a lovely run in the city, on the beach and along the dock. There really is no better way to see a new place!

Monterey Run

After a nice Motel Breakfast, we went to the Monterey Aquarium, which was enjoyed by all.


It always amazes me the combination of fish that they can put in one and the same tank in an aquarium!


How fun to do all these things as a three generations family!


And look who we stopped to say hello to on the way up the coast:

Sea elephants

They are called Sea Elephants. And there are lots and lots of them!

Sea elephants

We saw Sea Lions when we went kayaking in LA too, and to be honest I think they look pretty much the same. But anyway, they are some sort of seal.

We enjoyed driving through the Big Sur area. Again, – very impressive!

Big Sur

And later we stopped to go for a short hike in the Redwoods.


WOW! Those are impressive trees! Some of them are as old as two thousand years old!

redwoods trunk

Quite some trunks!!!

redwood trunk

There was no way we could reach around it, even together!

redwood trunks

We got so many varied experiences. And it all passed by sooo fast… I am glad I have the photos, and am VERY thankful for the wonderful memories!

redwoods family photo

I just LOVE the ocean!

california coast

And I LOVE my family!


I am VERY blessed!!